Better Networks. Better Advice. Better Results.
After years gathering experience, we know what you really need: simplicity. EI Catalyst (EiCat) provides an entire electronic infrastructure, reducing capital costs, operating costs, and implementation time, thereby smoothing out your growth hurdles. We enable you to improve your use of technology while staying focused on your core businesses. For our clients, IT enables growth.
Electronic Infrastruture Catalyst
The biggest single struggle companies have with the implementation and maintenance of technology is the cost. It is clear that new systems and the internet will allow a company to do great things, but the cost is high to constantly upgrade, improve, and learn.
As a background service provider, EiCat supports an array of focused small-to-medium-sized service providers: vertical market systems integrators, LAN support companies, government IT infrastructure, and local computer stores and wholesalers. Our services appeal to more technical users and are therefore the choice of computer professionals.
Through partnerships with university researchers and coöp education programs, EiCat invests in and encourages development of Canada's information technology industry.
In working directly with clients, EiCat makes possible solutions that cross over typical technology boundaries, incorporating business services with Internet access, bandwidth with software, wireless with DSL, and telephony with the Internet. We have expertise and support education throughout the technical community.
Wondering if you really need EiCat?
EiCat addresses the need for companies to use technology effectively. We also address the need to reduce the cost of technology infrastructure, and thereby reduce the cost of doing business. Our clients become more competitive in their chosen markets, and their employees will have access to the next generation of internet capabilities, along with the promise these represent for the future.
© 2005-2010
EI Cat Networks